Emitters & Sprayers

Emitters and Sprayers are the most common components found in Drip Irrigation Systems. They are used in a variety of applications including watering Individual Plants and Containers, Tree and Shrub Beds, Tree and Hedge Lines, and Perennial Gardens. Drip Emitters and Sprayers are offered in a variety of products as follows:
Drip Irrigation Emitters: Drip Emitters are commonly inserted directly into a solid drip line which is placed close to the root zone of the plant. Emitters can also be installed at the end of a 1/4" strand of tubing if the plant medium is a distance away from the distribution line. There is no right or wrong way to install an emitter as all methods will provide the same result. Drip Emitters are offered as both Pressure Compensated or Non-Pressure Compensated and are rated for different flow rates in either Gallons per Hour, or Litres per Hour.
Adjustable Stream Bubblers: Also known as Micro Bubblers, they are ideal for watering areas that require a wider circumference of spray or for areas of tightly arranged plants. They are also ideal for Larger Hanging Baskets and Containers where additional water volume is desired. Water output on Adjustable Bubblers is adjusted by simply turning the top of the Bubbler to increase or decrease water output. They are available in both 360 and 180 degree configurations.
Micro Irrigation Sprayers: Micro Sprayers are used for larger areas requring a general watering. Available in full, half and quarter-circle sprays Micro Sprayers can spray up to 12 feet. When overlapped they are a great method for watering heavy foilage such as Perennial Gardens. Micro Sprayers are attached to Solid Distribution lines using a combination of 1/4" barbed fittings and Rigid Risers.
Not sure which dripper is right for you? For A Comparison of Drippers and Emitters please click here.
Supply of Irrigation Drippers, Emitters, and Bubblers for Hanging Baskets, Vegetable Gardens, Shrubs, Trees, and Perennial Garden. These irrigation products are also used for Organic Farming and Gravity Fed Systems.